703 ORG Network Wiki
703 ORG Network Wiki

Day 1[]

After playing numerous games on Skype, Proboards, whatever else there is I have finally landed in the Facebook ORGs, and what a change this is omg everyone is so active.


I have so many mixed feelings about my tribe like everybody keeps giving themselves a boner over how "competitive" this entire cast like Uli, Jamie, Ivan, I am so uneducated on FB ORGs and I feel bad that I don't know them, I'd rather be dragged to the end of this game like a dead sheep/goat cadaver than be considered competitive. I'm so unorthodox when it comes to strategy ??


Welcome to the Life & Times of a Facebook Illiterate player. Day 1: The Seen function is gonna get me killed in this game I just know it.


I'm really digging my tribe so far! My #1 right now is John because I feel like I can trust him and it doesn't hurt that he's kind of cute. ?? Ivan was quick to create an alliance including himself, Andrew, John and I which I accepted. Ivan is a returning player though and he was known for flipping between alliances on his season. He's also already started creating bonds with everyone on the tribe so I'm going to make sure I keep an eye out for this guy.


And it begins!!!

I thought that for this season, we are going somewhere tropical, but guess what? It's the complete opposite!! IT'S FREAKING ANTARCTICA AND IT'S SOOOOOO COLD! In a different time, I would be very ecstatic that I get to go to Antarctica. However, right now, the reason I'm here is to not look at pengiuns, but to win that mil. Then, the moment I stepped down that boat/helicopter/glorious narwhal, I already felt that cold breeze piercing my skin. And I have to live here for 39 days! But whatever, I can take anything mother nature throws at me because this guy is here to stay!

While we're at the mat, two former players stepped out. Jamie and Ivan. Well, I guess the people I have to get to know now increases by 1.

Then, another surprise is thrown at us. This season is One World! My second time playing ORG but yet again, One World follows me. Maybe it likes me? Stalker much One World! tsk. tsk. tsk. hahaha wow. The people I have to get to know really increases now big time. After that, we went to our home for 39 days. As were building our shelter (an igloo I guess?), I started to get to know some of the people in my tribe. Of course, I have to start with Toby. He's one of the two people I actually know but the other one, Nick, is on the other side. Of all the people I have to be with, these two, really? This is just awesome. I'm always in the opposite alliance with Nick and he's in the other tribe so I'm not worried about him right now. But Toby, wow, why does it have to be him? I voted him out in my first org and I am 100% sure that he's still holding a grudge. I mean, he was my ally until I... betrayed him? Next is Scott, our resident jock. The only thing that I know about him is that he goes to the gym. That's it! I mean, what the hell man, at least try to make a conversation. Boring! Ms. Part-time Zookeeper Rhiannon is just as broke as me. Then, we talked about weather. Small talk is better than no talk. That's it I guess? Jamie, the returning player that will be playing with my tribe loves the tv show Scandal. I've heard that show is good but I have to google it to find details about it. Luckily, when I asked her what else she watches, she listed some of my favourite shows. Which is awesome because I now have something in common with her. The last person I talked to is Josh. Now this time, I DEFINITELY have something in common with this guy. HE'S FREAKING FILIPINO LIKE MYSELF! Amazing. It's definitely rare to find another Asian let alone another Filipino in orgs so I'm happy I know someone. However, I won't let him cloud my judgement just because he's a Filipino. If he has to go, he has to go. That's it for tonight, goodnight ??


It's cold and icy and chilly. Welcome to Antarctica.


Confessional: Woah, its hard to believe that I'm playing Survivor on the 703 network. The hype has never been so incredibly high! Now I'm here in Antarctica, where I'm probably gonna get eaten by polar bears and freeze to death. Glad I'm wearing a beanie ??

But anyways, Day 1, and an alliance has already been formed. When I saw Ivan made the cast, he became my #1 priority for an ally. We both won on Koror's org, I know for a fact he's a good player, and teaming up with a returnee is definitely in my best interest. We immediately clicked and I'm glad we did. He's already brought together a few people to form an alliance with, and it couldn't have been any better.

He brought together Ci'ere and John, and campaigned me to be apart of their majority. With John, I hosted him and Shiloh in Johnny's org last month, so we have a connection. And Ci'ere is already a favorite who seems like someone who'll stay loyal, but scheme at the same time. But overall, I'm pretty happy with our group so I hope we stay intact for a while.


I have lost all hope that we're gonna win this challenge. I guess I'm just used to Tumblr Survivor where no one sleeps lmfao. Anyways the first day has been okay so far. Lots of cool people in this game. Looking forward to make new friends. Also I get to start a clean slate this time! I know no one in this cast which is refreshing. My strategy for the first few rounds is just to be social by being all fun and chummy with everyone, just be nice and let people talk to me. I don't plan on forming any solid alliances right now so I'm in go with the flow mode. Right now I feel like Toby is the person I feel is that going to be my #1. I always end up aligning myself with Australians because we're basically awake when everyone else is asleep lmao. Yeah more to come from me! On the next episode: First impressions of my tribe mates. I'm just lazy to write now and I haven't talked to everyone yet and actually I don't have all their names memorized yet rip.


Antarctica (finally) started. I saw the other returnee and saw it's JAMIE! yaaaassssdffghjjjjkl! I looked at my tribe mates and I only knew Marc and Mihai - both of which had bad blood with me during our previous ORG together. I called out Mihai as Mikko's wife, (I called him a wife and not a goat), in an FTC. And Marc and I had a very interesting rockstar season where we fought and fought and cussed each other publicly. Whew. Two regrets in my past games, and these regrets come to haunt me. But I feel confident that I can bury the hatchet with these two gents and start a clean slate.

Anyway, my goals coming into this season are:

1 - Don't be first boot 2 - Make the jury 3 - Make the DVD cover 4 - Grab an episode title 5 - WIN

  1. 5 is still a very long shot but as long as I accomplish #s 1-4 and not flop hard, then I'm good. Keep the frostbite and chills coming, I'm ready for you Antarctica!!!


So these people seem okay... for now... though I guarantee I will probably turn on 70% of them through this game, cause playing nice gets me nowhere, so I may aswell play fake instead.


So, right now it seems I have an alliance with Ivan and Nick since I played with them before and they seem cool. I also talked with ci'ere and he's hilarious, I'd love to work with him. I hope no one was faster than me and there's not any majority alliance already. I feel pretty good and I'm happy we got Ivan instead of Jamie because she's too complicated for me.


Day 2[]

Okay so what even is with this Jimmie kid, like, did we get a 10 year old on our team with a bedtime before school? Like in this challenge it cannot be happening. Though I suppose if hes the one fucking up the challenge I'm off the hook for it and I can freely sell him down each and every Antarctic river I can find!


Tik.tok.tik.tok. Everyone's waiting for eternity for the threads to keep moving. Rip

Immunity challenge is an early clusterfuck due to time zone issues. Good thing that both tribes are stalled at 7/9 introductory post due to European members being asleep. And when the Europeans will be awake, the Americans most probably are asleep! I feel for those who are currently staying up late just to find out that they're gonna helplessly wait longer. This is gonna be messy af.

I just hope we win this first challenge, Krill for the Kill!



this might be a poor idea, but I play ORGs to have fun and I think puzzles are fun so I will do this if Ivan doesn't want to. I know establishing yourself as either a threat for winning or loser for losing this early is bad but I guess I'm just gonna go for it.


Ok let's just get right into this. smile emoticon

First thing that's pretty insane is the One World twist! I totally wasn't expecting that, so it makes this game a lot more complicated. There's a lot of people that I'm gonna have to talk to now, and to be honest I probably won't talk to most of the people on Ferrar until they become relevant. I'm interested to see how it plays out, I'm hoping that it kind of doesn't affect anything too much but it probably will, because of the Hidden Immunity Idol. HIIs are expected, but sorta similar to Kaoh Rong, there are two parts to an idol, and you need both parts to actually make a usable idol. The only problem is that one half of the idol is at the Krill camp, whereas the other half is at the Ferrar camp, so we're kind of encouraged now to talk to the other tribe. Since the answer to get the idol is a quote from a Survivor castaway, I kinda just started randomly guessing. No luck yet, but I'm sure it'll pay off. wink emoticon The Krill tribe is pretty cool! I haven't actually talked to everyone on Krill yet (only half as of now), but I'm liking everyone that I've talked to so far! Ci'ere was the first to message me, like five minutes after the game actually began, and ten minutes later he already proposed an alliance, lol! I got a good vibe from him from the conversations we've had so far, so I think he'll be a good ally, but I am a bit wary, since it's possible that he asked a lot of people to be in alliances right off the bat, and he doesn't actually have any allegiance to me. I guess we'll find that out later. I've also talked to Ivan (the returning player for our tribe), Andrew, and Nick and they were all cool as well! I actually feel pretty solid right now with all the relationships I have. Ci'ere, Ivan, Andrew, and I also formed what I'm guessing is the game's first alliance, the Ice Blasters! (Corny name, I know, lol.) I'm actually really excited about this, because it practically guarantees us safety for a few Krill tribals with our almost-majority. With Nick on my side too, hopefully I'll be safe for a while! Also, turns out that Shiloh's playing as well; I was good friends with her during Ural Mountains (#Johnloh!) so at least I have an ally over there, especially if she happens to come across the HII! Our first challenge is like absolutely insane. It's a huge, live relay race full of teamwork and annoying forum posts. I think our tribe has the potential to do well, but I'm not sure if everyone has showed up in the Krill chat yet, so I don't know if we'll even be able to start, lol. Initially I would've liked to do the puzzle, but (1) I would rather not risk the chance of me failing at it and then everyone wants to get me out if we lose, and (2) both Ci'ere and Nick wanted to do it badly, so I let one of them do it instead. Instead I'm gonna be in one of the first two groups doing the endurance parts, which is annoying because the challenge is gonna start around 10:20pm, but I have to get up at 5:15am for school, so I wouldn't be able to stay up long anyway. Plus then I have school the whole day, and Facebook is blocked, so I won't be able to check it that much. Hopefully I'll be able to find some times to check it and not screw over the entire tribe, haha.


Okay Jimmie. Quit it. I don't care about your algebra teacher. SHHHHHHHHHHHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHH.


It would be so surprising if we won the challenge since everyone has crazy time zone problems (Myself included so I really have no room to talk tbh) but everyone's being so pushy about it like we have 24 hours to do it? We just to beat the other tribe which has like 90% people in the Americas timezones like they have school or they're tired boys that need some rest.

It's not like I hate my tribe but this is legit the second most annoying thing in my life next to my technologically inept sister that keeps trying to download awful music with my laptop.

Anyways I hope we win this challenge so I can survive against this supposed fuckery of an alliance that I'm not in and tandang the fuck outta this till swap so I can be less of a fuckup


Confessional: Okay so right now I feel like I am in a really good spot. Mihai was, I don't really know how to say it because we weren't close allies or anything, but we sorta had mutual respect for each other in a previous, I guess. And I also feel really solid with Ivan. Together we are going to make a threesome, but we do need 2 others. Right now if I had it my way I would add John and Micah, although it sounds like Ci'ere might be in the mix of it. But I just really don't want to have to go to tribal so we don't have to vote someone off and already be a number down.


This is a national tragedy.




I just learned how true this is; hell is other people


ferrar: 0% chance at winning immunity, as well as winning much of anything


UPDATE: You can put a 1 in front of that zero. There are actually odds now because it seems certain members of Krill have things they prioritise over the org. hahahaha


.....suddenly Marc wakes up in the middle of the night. Omg poor guy. I wonder how many people, other than me, bombarded him with the challenge reminder. I told him to post "Marc is on the mat" to the challenge thread....and the sleepy guy posted it on the Tribe Chat! Yikes!


i want the other tribe to die in their missery


Okay, so I get that Toby wanted us to finish quckly, but he was so abraisive when he was dishing out orders on when we should go and that he should be 1st it gave me a hugered flag on him


Ever heard that saying of herding cats? Getting this tribe through this challenge feels exactly like that presently.


I haven't been talking to the majority of people on Krill which is probably good in my eyes. I know it defeats the point of One World but tbh the OW chat is dead just like my chances of being a level-headed player + I have this odd belief that you should focus on those around you first as an insurance.

I feel like we are definitely going to tribal and that's fucking me up in and out, usually in skype games there's ALWAYS an inactive and that probably happens in other ORGs too. But everyone here is alive and kicking it's giving me this Borneo mindset where my vote is just random.orged (which got me to finals in another game oop) but I'm only gonna do that until I solidify an alliance which SHOULD happen.


I'm getting an even worse Kenny Hoang vibe from myself based on my confessionals and I am sorry for that :[


I found out that Poodle Island ORG is opening apps soon so I'm pretty hyped for that if I flop here


WOW. Jimmie is starting to annoy me. First, he tried to make sure everyone has read the challenge. As if no one does! And guess what, while at the challenge, with his questions, he's seems like the one who didn't read the challenge. He's like a deer in headlights out there. "What do I do? Where do post it?" Hmpf. In his defense though, he's just a kid. But come on, with the technology these days? He's just coming across as a really old man trying to learn how click a mouse.

Anyway, challenge time!

Pre-challenge, our tribe is a mess. We build an amazing facade that we're organized but we're definitely the opposite. Can you believe it? People just put off in deciding who is doing what. At least try people! Why are they thinking? It's best if we assign the tasks right now when majority are on. As much as I want to say that, I just bit my tongue because it seems the tribe decision is to do it later.

Then, another crazy thing happened. We decided to put Jimmie in the puzzle section! You can tell no one wants that spot when no one answered that question. Just keep digging your grave Jimmie. I can't wait to see you go :P


Day 3[]

As I predicted, our first immunity challenge was, like, hell. I mean, it was kinda fun, but it was also hell. I'm convinced that it was really just an evil plan to ruin my sleep schedule, because I only got five hours of sleep on Night 2, and on a school night no less! Oh well, lol. Because of me staying up so late, Krill was able to jump into a massive early lead, finishing the rocks before Ferrar even had all their members step onto their mat. However, all was for naught, since Ferrar caught up incredibly quickly the next morning, getting all of their rocks done putting us in a virtual tie. No worries, because throughout the rest of the day we were able to pull ahead with the boat, posting quicker than they could. We finished that relatively quickly over the course of several hours, and then Nick knocked the puzzle out of the park, and we won! That was a pretty awesome feeling, because no one wants to be the first one out, plus our tribe worked so well together that I didn't think we should be punished for it, haha. According to Shiloh, the main reason that Ferrar lost was because of time zone differences and people being asleep when the challenge was going on, which is understandable. But whatever, we won!

smile emoticon

Of course, the challenge was an immunity and reward challenge, so our whole tribe got the first clue to the hidden immunity idol. I was really excited because it was kind of a Wheel of Fortune-type puzzle where you had to fill in the letters. The first two words were obviously "I'm a", and the two back-to-back two-letter-words had to be "in an" or "on an" or something like that. The third word was "_ A _ _ S _ _", and, using an online thing, I thought that that word would be "barista". And who's our favorite Survivor barista? Ami Cusack of course! I spent like a half hour looking up Ami quotes and watching the premiere episodes of Vanuatu and Micronesia for confessionals, before I went back to the long list of words that has that AS pattern and finding "gangsta" as one. Googled that, instantly got "I'm a gangsta in an Oprah suit," by Cirie, and submitted it! I was super excited, because like holy crap I got an idol!

Except no. Apparently someone was a bit quicker to realize that it was "gangsta" and not "barista", and got it before me. Ughhhh. I was fine with it at first, like oh well that happens, but as I think about it more and more I just get more angry with both the person who got it before me for getting it and myself for thinking that Ami Cusack ever had any significant quotes involving her being a barista. I'm always so close in Survivor ORGs to getting an idol, but I've never actually got one, so I was excited. Whatever. To be honest, idols are really underpowered right now anyway. Because each tribe's idol is only half of an actual idol, the only way to use an idol is to have someone from the other tribe give you their half, which I don't think will happen in a million years, so basically half-idols are useless and powerless right now. That's kind of disappointing, because idols are fun, but unfortunately I just don't see them having any relevance at all anytime soon.


I legit forgot I was going back to the US today (4/13/2016) and I probably won't have enough time to socialize with anyone nor would I do that on a fucking plane??? I feel like I won't be saved by my tribe sadly so get ready for <picture> also there's probably some fuck that's being like DONT APPLY IF YOU DONT HAVE THE TIME!!!

Like how the fuck do you expect me to do that I've been here for like 2 months and going back to usa is the last thing I want to do.


I'm almost sure ivan has found the idol. He said he found the combination, but was too late. To me, he's a terrible liar and a walking survivor encyclopedia, so of course he found that phrase very fast. Him, Nick or John. Those 3 are the smartest people in the tribe


i'm lowkey being the most MOR person on my tribe and i hate it


oh poort innocent jimmie, he has no idea


This tribe is so freakin lazy...


I know the idol thing really does suck, but at least I can look at the silver lining, which I try to do to all things In life: Idols frequently lead to overplaying and I'm happy this provides me with a more straight forward path. Also, a good thing is I am now equipped with the knowledge that someone on my tribe has an idol.


Toby is massively oveplaying socially so I will take a seat just behind him and let him burn out early... I will keep Rhia and Josh close and use Toby together with them as a shield..


Not surprised that we lost, I gave up all vote when Jimmie announced he has a bedtime for school. Bye Felicia.


So I think I have this vote in lock, "Poor Little Jimmie" is trying to go for Shiloh, so I have her vote locked up, and I'm 99% sure I have Jamie and Uli's votes, now its just time to sow my seeds in the other peoples gardens to send young Jimmie Wanner packing


Jimmie is so freaking annoying... Kids need to leave as soon as possible...


I made an alliance with Rhia... She seems nice... Also she works as a zookeeper... She might work with wild animals... But I can promise you... She wont be able to keep this beast here under control!!!



So about this vote Toby, Shiloh, Josh, JR and myself (What a group LMAO) plan to vote for Jimmie, I should point out that I had legitimately NO input wtf is wrong with me like no alliance chat so this is probably that Voting Bloc fuckery which is BY FAR a worse strategy than randomizing your votes. ]: Anyways I am in the majority for now which is good so back to Gamebot hell for me!


Before the challenge, I managed to talk to the last three people in Ferrar. Jimmie, Shiloh, and Uli.

I'll start with Uli. The only think we talked about is his job as a lab person at a university. Seems interesting enough. But damn it people! Please, for the love of god, help me here. At least try to keep the conversation maybe?

Shiloh is next. And she's yet another UK person! Wow. Seriously, how many people from UK are in this cast? Let's see, there's Shiloh, Uli, Jamie, Rhiannon, and probably more in the other tribe. I guess you could call me a honorary Brit since I live in Canada and all...

Last, but definitely the least, is Jimmie. This gut won't shut up in the main chat but is so fucking quiet as a mouse when I talked to him one on one. I mean, look, there's much more words in the English language than yeah and good. Good luck bro.


